As Reform Jews we stand together for justice, in solidarity with Palestine. We unite in our values to call for a ceasefire, the release of hostages, and an end to US military aid to Israel.

More testimonies at urjceasefirenow.wordpress.com

“My Judaism teaches me pikuach nefesh, that every life is sacred and must be saved. When we destroy a single life, we destroy the whole world, and when we save a single life, we save the whole world. I cannot stand idly by and watch as my own people ruthlessly take away the lives of innocent children and families in Gaza that have truly nowhere to run or hide. Even worse, these murders are done in the name of Judaism, in the name of protecting the Jewish people, but it is NOT the Judaism that I practice and love. I pray for the safe return of the hostages and mourn the tragic loss of Israeli lives, but I know that killing innocent Palestinian families will not bring back our loved ones and will not subside our grief. The Jewish people must do better.”

“Part of why the occupation of Palestine has been able to go on for so long is because “jewish safety” has been used as a justification. There is this idea in the zeitgeist that Jews will only be safe if Israel exists, and that for Israel to exist, Palestinians or any other ethnicity cannot live on the same land. It is devastating to see a genocide carried out in the name of Judaism and Jewish safety, when we know that peace is possible, and that one population’s safety should never negate another’s. Both Jews and Palestinians can and will live in Palestine one day, but it is necessary for Jews of the world to speak up and say – Not in Our Name! To denounce the violence being carried out under the guise of Jewish safety, and to speak for Jewish/Palestinian solidarity towards a liberated world. Having URJ speak up will help add credibility to the already deafening numbers of American Jews who are saying – never again means never again for anyone.”

One year at a NFTY event, I attended a small seminar led by someone who used wolves and deer as a metaphor to describe the Israel-Palestine conflict. He explained that in a certain forest, the deer population was too large, and it was having a negative effect on the ecosystem as a whole. So, some humans introduced wolves into the ecosystem to hunt excess deer, thus restoring a better balance in the forest and promoting a better overall environment. He argued that a similar situation occurred in Israel, essentially saying that Jewish settlers need to colonize the land in order to “‘make the desert bloom.

The URJ taught me to lead with curiosity and to prioritize justice. It’s where I learned that all life is sacred and that it’s up to *us* to do the work of repairing the world. Growing up in my URJ synagogue and with NFTY is where I learned to organize and is a large part of why I am a Jewish professional today. And it’s also why I feel heartbroken and betrayed that the movement that raised me has failed to speak out against the destruction of Palestinian lives that is being done in our name. October 7 was horrifying and I mourn alongside every Israeli who was killed, harmed, and kidnapped. But collective retaliation and mass destruction of Palestinian lives is not justice. Doubling down on endless occupation and ethnic cleansing is not justice. I see images of starving, dying, imprisoned Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank that feel eerily familiar. As one of the largest American Jewish movements, the URJ has the power to affirm that Jewish safety can never come at the cost of Palestinian life. This is a moment to move with courage and to imagine realities beyond endless occupation, walls, bombs, and orphans.” 

“I am an alum of Temple B’Nai Israel, NFTY, BBYO, and Crane Lake Camp. I am the descendant of Holocaust refugees including my grandmother and great grandparents, and relative of 28 family members murdered in the Holocaust, as well as the spouse of a Muslim Palestinian and parent of two beautiful Palestinian kids who has been detained, interrogated, denied entry, and subject to entry restrictions by the state of Israel. I am appalled to see the URJ’s complicity in the ongoing occupation, siege, starvation, bombardment, mass displacement and attempted genocide of Palestinians, the majority of whom are innocent women and children. We must stand up for values of justice and sanctity of life. Palestinians deserve safety, life, and dignity. Never again means never again for ANYONE including my beloved Palestinian family.

“Palestinians are not deer, and Israelis/Jews are not wolves. Life is not a dumb nature metaphor. We are all simply people, and it is abundantly clear that an indiscriminate bombing and killing campaign is not benefiting any metaphorical forest or desert.”